Not only is this dangerous, but it can be incredibly annoying too – having a loud and overly active smoke detector is a nuisance to say the least.

If your smoke detectors are being activated without the presence of any abnormal heat or smoke build up, it is very likely that your detectors are in need of a service.

The technology in most modern smoke alarms is reliant on a very sensitive panel within the alarm’s housing. If that sensor comes into contact with too much dust, the alarm can become immune to real smoke, which is a problem in itself but, moreover, high levels of dust that stagnate in and around the smoke detector’s sensor can lead to bacterial growth that then clogs the sensor and gives off false carbon dioxide readings. This is often overlooked and usually leads to false alarms.


Other reasons as to why smoke detectors go off unexpectedly include:

  • Previous heat damage
  • Oil build-up (from cooking)
  • Moisture and damp
  • Damaged sensors or housings
  • Faulty wiring
  • Age


If your user manual does not present the information you need to remedy your faulty smoke alarms, please get in touch with us today and we will arrange to have one of our qualified technicians pay you a visit.


Call us on 1300 008 022


Simply click here to make an online enquiry.


Please remember to make use of our same-day service – just make your booking before 9:00am and we’ll do out best to see you later on that day!