While that may seem like the case, more often than not your motion detectors are doing their job perfectly – their only issue is that they’ve been set up with their sensitivity too high. If you refer to your product’s user manual you are likely to find a simple way to lower their sensitivity.

With that being said, there are other reasons for your motion detectors to set the alarm off unexpectedly, for example having non-pet-specialised detectors in your home when you own a dog or cat. You can view Visonic’s pet-proof sensors here.

If that is the case, you will need to upgrade your sensors to ensure that they continue to protect your home, even while your pets play throughout the night.


Other common reasons for overly active motion detectors can include:

  • Infra-red beam interference (where one detector’s infra-red beams cross paths with another)
  • Wind moving through your home or office (moving papers, curtains, blinds etc.)
  • Dust (if dust accrues in one area of the building and is suddenly made to disperse through movement or wind, this can sometimes trigger motion detectors)
  • Damaged cabling
  • Damaged housings
  • Tampering
  • Loud noises or Bass (reverberations in the air can cause motion detectors to activate the alarm system, so to avoid false alarms, keep Bass levels low)

Call us today to investigate the issue and our professional Visonic technicians will be sure to find and fix the problem with ease.


We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – call us now on 1300 008 022


Click here to use our online contact form.


Reminder: Book your alarm service in before 9:00am and we’ll arrange to have your systems seen to on the same day!